Performance Psychology or Sport Psychology is a comprehensive approach to address mental skills in your performance. Dr. Sheriece will introduce interventions focused on helping you perform optimally in your performance. These interventions have been used with athletes, CEOs, military personnel… anyone who recognizes they want to have a better mindset in their day-to-day. 

One recommendation that is made to help with easing our minds is yoga. Dr. Sheriece is a Certified Yoga Instructor through YogaFit. She teaches a Vinyasa-Power yoga style designed to improve mind-body connection, while strengthening your body, increasing flexibility, and calming the mind. 

  • ∙ Optimizing Mental Skills Consistently

    ∙ Anxiety Management

    ∙ Increasing Motivation

    ∙ Building Confidence

    ∙ Overcoming Performance Slumps

    ∙ Focus and Attention Cues

    ∙ Arousal Management

    ∙ Injury Rehabilitation

  • ∙ Goal Setting

    ∙ Imagery/Visualization

    ∙ Relaxation Training

    ∙ Thought Management

    ∙ Biofeedback Training

  • ∙ Athletes of All Levels

    ∙ Performance Artists

    ∙ Military Personnel

    ∙ CEOs, Business Owners

    ∙ Any Individual Committed to Performing Optimally in Your Career

  • Performance Psychology or Sport Psychology is narrowly focused on creating a specific mindset for performance. It focuses on skill building and application of techniques to overcome specific blocks to “thinking right” in performance.

    Psychotherapy is a comprehensive approach to treating many of these concerns. Many of the coping strategies learned in Performance Psychology are utilized in therapy. However, therapy will focus on the root causes for many of your concerns by examining your past. Therapy is also focused on clinical concerns like anxiety, depression, eating disorder, trauma, etc.

  • Performance Psychology is narrowly focused on creating a specific mindset for performance. It focuses on skill building and application of techniques to overcome specific blocks to “thinking right” in performance.

    Executing Coaching is whole person treatment focused on specific goals in life and career. Many of the coping strategies learned in Performance Psychology are utilized in establishing a health mindset. However, Executive Coaching will dive deeper into your leadership skills, finding balance in your life, and becoming your best self.

  • Performance Psychology is not covered by insurance since it is not medically necessary. Dr. Sheriece will develop a package consisting of an initial evaluation, individual sessions, direct observation, consultation with others, email and text communication, and yoga based on your personal goals. Please contact her to find out more.

Interventions, Workshops, and Retreats

In addition to Performance Psychology for individuals, Dr. Sheriece consults with sports teams, professional groups, or organizations on creating a culture of performance success. As a consultant, she works collaboratively with your organization to develop a unique plan that reflects your organizational values and goals. 

These packages can include: Specific Interventions, Workshops, Presentations, or Intensive 1-to-2 Day Retreats. 

  • ∙ Organizational Strengths

    ∙ Organizational Goals

    ∙ Creating a Cohesive Culture, Addressing Group Dynamics

    ∙ Communication

    ∙ Conflict Resolution

    ∙ Leadership Development

    ∙ Diversity Training

    ∙ Any Specific Concerns