Frequently Asked Questions

  • Suicidal intent, acute risk of violent behavior, severe loss of emotional control, and gross impairment in thinking ability are examples of emergencies.

    If you are experiencing distress please call 988 for 24-hour counseling.

    You can also call 911 in case of an emergency.

    Please follow up with your provider to inform them of the emergency situation and follow up treatment care.

  • Here are some common signs that someone may be having emotional troubles or even feeling suicidal:

    ∙ References to death or suicide in conversation, jokes, or writings

    ∙ Preoccupation with death and dying

    ∙ Withdrawal from friends and social activities

    ∙ Loss of interest in schoolwork, athletics, work, and other activities

    ∙ Abrupt changes in behavior, mood or appearance

    ∙ Pursuit of dangerous activities

    ∙ References to previous suicide attempts

    ∙ Drug or alcohol problems

    ∙ Signs of depression: crying, hopelessness, sleeping or eating problems, low energy, low self-esteem, excessive guilt

    Here are ways to be helpful when someone shows some of these signs:

    ∙ Take the signs seriously.

    ∙ Ask to talk to the person.

    ∙ Say you are concerned. Point out the signs you’ve noticed.

    ∙ Be willing to listen. Don’t judge or give lots of advice or try to cheer up the person.

    ∙ If it’s unclear that the person is suicidal, ask, “Have things gotten so bad that you’re thinking of hurting yourself?” Asking about suicide is a sign of caring.

    ∙ Don’t be sworn to secrecy. Say that you need to talk with someone to make sure they are safe.

    ∙ If the person is acutely suicidal, they may do something right away. Don’t leave them alone. Have someone else promptly call 911 or 988.

    ∙ If the situation isn’t an immediate emergency, assist them in finding a therapist. You may even consider going with them to the first session so they are not alone or scared.

  • ∙ Counselors lack the biases and preconceptions that can often times color your family or friends’ advice.

    ∙ Counselors offer a nonjudgmental and objective perspective

    ∙ Counselors are familiar with several different skills to help with a variety of situations.

    ∙ Feel free to talk with your counselor about the discomfort as this is normal. 

  • All aspects of your sessions are confidential by State and Federal laws, as well as APA Ethics Codes. No information can be released without your written permission. This means, without your permission, no one can be informed about your visits. There are different guidelines regarding minors (children 17 years and younger). There are limits to confidentiality however:

    ∙ If you pose serious, imminent threat to yourself or someone else

    ∙ If you report current ongoing child or elder abuse

    ∙ If a judge orders a release of your information

    ∙ If you are a minor (under the age of 18), written consent is needed from your parent in order to treatyou, except in emergency situations

    In all of these scenarios, your provider will discuss concerns with you prior to acting. 

  • Providers try to schedule new clients within a week of initial contact, except during some busy times of the year. However, there may be times when there is a waiting period due to scheduling conflicts or your preferred provider is not taking new clients. In this case, they will inform you of the circumstances and may provide you with alternative provider information. 

  • ∙ Your provider will ask detailed questions about your current concerns, relevant history, and goals.

    ∙ The focus will not be therapy, but information gathering.

    ∙ Please be sure to complete your paperwork prior to the appointment to ensure enough time to discuss your concerns.

    ∙ This paperwork can be completed online at

    The initial session will last approximately 60 minutes. 

  • ∙ Sessions are normally scheduled on a weekly or bi-weekly basis, depending on the nature of the concerns.

    ∙ Your provider will discuss treatment recommendations at the end of the initial session.

    ∙ Sessions are 60 minutes, depending on your treatment plan. 

  • 1. Define your goals. Write down what you would like to have accomplished for each session or for your overall counseling experience.

    2. Be an active participant. Be honest and open about what is concerning you. These sessions are about you, so be active in deciding how to use your time effectively.

    3. Be patient with yourself. Growth and change take time; allow them to happen.

    4. Follow your provider’s recommendations. Throughout the process, you will receive suggestions of things to consider, skills to practice, or homework assignments. These are designed to continue your growth process. Growth does not happen in the time you meet with your counselor, it happens in the time in between sessions, in your daily life. 

  • Couples Therapy is focused on how to resolve issues that are happening in the relationship. The goal is to help the couple build a stronger foundation for success in their relationship. 

    Family and Divorce Mediation is an alternative approach to the dissolution of marriage and/or developing parenting plans and child support guidelines. 

  • In short, sport psychology is the study of how an individual’s mental skills impact his or her physical performance. These include skills like goal setting, concentration, focus, arousal, etc.

    ​Athletes of all abilities & ages can benefit from exploring performance enhancement techniques. As well as:





    Military Personnel

    Business Executives & Employees

    Anyone looking to improve performance through the integration of mind and body.

  • Counseling Services focus on challenges that are leading us to feeling less than optimal such as academic concerns, family or relationship conflicts, depression, anxiety, eating disorders, body image or self-esteem, substance use, etc.

    Performance Enhancement or sport psychology is looking to help us perform optimally. In essence, it is focused on mental skills that can help someone reach their optimal performance in sport, career, or academics.